Sorting it Out

I’m lost. I’m way more than willing to admit that right now. I have options for a job that I never thought I would actually get and it confuses me. I’m not sure what to do.  There are so many factors that I have to think about abput 1000 things to come to the best decision.
So, what do I do to make make life decisions that seem to be incredibly unorganized?  I make lists. It calms me. Who would have thought that being so excessively organized would be such a good thing?
As I sit here making my pro/con list,  I think about all the consequences of the decision I have yet to actually make. It feels weird sometimes to project into my future to try and see what is the best answer for me when the only thing I’m really sure about is that I miss someone greatly. Amazingly,  I’m trying to keep my heart or of this. It is proving to be difficult.
I wish there was someone I could talk to about my life sometimes. It is hard to find someone that has navigated an international job and life to this level in Southwest Iowa. So,  I turn to you-if you were offered a dream job in a non ideal location,  would you take it?  Or would you turn it down and hope for the dream job in the location with the people that you’ve come to love knowing it is not guaranteed? Even my lists need help with this one…

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